Call me home

After travels and adventures, it’s time to put down roots…

Like a skimming stone on a pristine lake

I’m bouncing the surface, fast and loose

Glittering kisses, just passing through, but

Suddenly it’s far too late

I want someone to call me home

Hands to warm in mine

I need to sink my feet

In fertile soil, it’s time

Free to fly south at any time

Splash in this coastal haze

But liberty is loneliness

By just another name

Between summer nights and autumn days

It suddenly feels too late

I want someone to call me home

Hands to warm in mine

I need to sink my feet

In fertile soil, it’s more than time

It’s time to pause and sing in one place,

Dance on the spot, rest my wings

Time for twos and snuggle deep in

Freedom together, sink into spring

Cos I want someone to call me home

Hands to warm in mine

I need to sink my feet

In fertile soil, it’s time

So please won’t you call me home?


© BeckyKilsby – all work is copyright with all rights reserved.


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